30. sep. 2003

þetta hafdi hann herra Chappe ad segja um 5 way útsetningu mína á "See..! Minor Problem..!"

Sigurdór Guðmundsson

Your Way :

Many very good ideas
You are definitely doing it your way.
It seems you are thinking the 5th part more as a counterpoint bassline rather than in the 5 part writing context.
Bar 3,4, 7 & 8

Sometime you hit low interval limits
i.e. the very first note.

I tried to solve some of the problems staying in this specific technique in my version.

Bar 1 7 & 8

Let s listen Friday


jamm málid var ad ég var ekki med þad alveg á hreinu hvada tækni átti ad nota, svo ég gerdi bara þad sem mér sýndist en reyndi þó ad nota tækni sem var ákvedin í mínum huga.. "..5 way or may way...!"


Um mig / about me

Myndin mín
Bass player, father, husband, band member, musician, son, brother, hobby photographer, friend, coffee drinker,
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