4. des. 2003

48 Hours Reykjavík: The Best of a City in Two Days ... nefnilega þad...!

Nú skömmu ádur en ég hélt á vit ævintýrana hér í Danaveldi, þá spiladi ég á tónleikum med félögum mínum i hljómsveitinni Angurgapi á "Café Culture" vid Hverfisgötu... þar var staddur bladamadur ad nafni George W. Stone frá tímaritinu NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVELER, hann minnist lítillega á Angurgapann í grein sinni..!

Hér er annars klausan :


Reykjavík means "smoky bay," an appellation that goes undisputed by puffing locals. If you can take the smoke, there's a lot of fire to the city's weekend scene. At Café Culture, I heard Angurgapi, a hip jazz fusion band. "The city has a great vibe," guitarist Sigurdur Rognvaldsson tells me. "I go to Dillon, a cozy bar where the DJ, Andrea Jonsdóttir, plays '70s rock." Reykjavík is celebrated as a hothouse of modern music, and the city's futurists converge on NASA disco. Cooler heads cruise around pubs such as Prikið or Kaffibarinn; the former is mellow, while the latter brims with Icelandic intrigue.


Um mig / about me

Myndin mín
Bass player, father, husband, band member, musician, son, brother, hobby photographer, friend, coffee drinker,
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