1. okt. 2005

Meiri jazz...

Var að kenna í dag í Mosó. Fór svo beint til Ásu systur í pizzu og ædol gláp og bassaspil með frænda, sem er farinn að faðma bassann meira en mig ef hann sér okkur báða í einu á sama tíma!

Svo náði ég í Egil og við rúlluðum okkur á M&M á Kaffi Reykjavík. Bandið var þrusu gott sem og sándið. Þeir léku við hvern sinn fingur piltarnir. Sérlega vel heppnað.

Þar á eftir kom svo Rodent og kvað þá við annan tón. Nokkuð frjálsari og súrari. Stórkemmtilegt engu að síður. Athyglin var nú eitthvað farin að þynnast hjá manni samt og ekki bætti um mikið skvaldur og hlátur og fliss aftarlega í salnum á Kaffi Reykjavík.

Bill Shoemaker on improvised music
"For many, improvised music is the final frontier, the last large blank space on the musical map. In a word, discovery is the deep-seated need that is fulfilled for many by improvised music. Often, it is a need previously met by other forms of music, before they became, after sufficient exposure, familiar, then predictable, and, ultimately, product. The irony is that improvised music is not completely immune from the expectations and fickleness of consumers. People come back and again to improvised music because they have developed a taste for it. They know in general terms what to expect, and their evaluation of the music depends on how those expectations are met, or are supplanted by something truly unexpected and startling. The saving grace of improvised music is it is fated to remain on the fringe. The idea of having improvised music out there, way out there in the unmarketable wild, also fulfills a deep-seated need of many improvised music fans."- Bill Shoemaker, June 2005 in Point of Departure


Um mig / about me

Myndin mín
Bass player, father, husband, band member, musician, son, brother, hobby photographer, friend, coffee drinker,
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