.... Investigator: Peter Vuust.
"Music is experienced and understood on the basis of the meter. This could be exemplified by listening to a simple song starting on the "wrong" beat of the bar. In contemporary styles of music polymetric structures create tension between a counter pulse and the main pulse comparable to the tension created by bitonality. This exerts a marked influence on the listener, particularly when the experience of the original meter is maintained during the counter pulse. That is a demanding task, but it is an essential requirement for the understanding of the musical structure."
Magnaðar pælingar hjá fyrrum bassakennara mínum við DJM, sem stundar heilarannsóknir í hjáverkum.
- Lyckliga vinnare i Nordic Jazz Comets !!!
- Quintet Sigurdórs Guðmundssonar rafbassaleikara, m...
- Steik!!
- Við haug Skallagríms Kveldúlfssonar.
- Vegir liggja til allra átta .. right??
- Fór á Hafnarfjallið á laugardaginn.. er enn með ha...
- Svarta kaffið.
- Seven Decades of Funk - JAMES BROWN Á ÍSLANDI !!
- Was'appenin'man?
- Sigurdór Guðmundsson Quintet - Iceland tour 2004
- World record???
- Ég og Arnar Freyr í feitu chilli!
- Þegar ég var í Århus þá ræddum við Jesper Sörensen...
- Skóga jazz undir fjöllum og fleiri tengingar.
- hot day !
- You Turn
- Music in the Brain.
- Aarhus International Jazz Festival
- Here is the "rough" plan of the ********** Iceland...
- Image Is Nothing
- Sice kemur í næstu viku...
- *geisp*
- Ætli Dj Ass spili djass?
Um mig / about me
- Siggidóri
- Bass player, father, husband, band member, musician, son, brother, hobby photographer, friend, coffee drinker,